Transformative Health & Justice Research Cluster
The Transformative Health & Justice Research Cluster (THJRC) was established in January, 2019, when project co-Leads – Dr. Ruth Elwood Martin of CCPHE and Dr. Helen Brown of CRiHHi – were awarded a Grant for Catalyzing Research Clusters by the University of British Columbia. Our Cluster brings together co-Investigators (including students and trainees) from across disciplines, and members from our Community Advisory Network (CAN) to deepen our understandings of health and justice inequities. The CAN is made up of community stakeholders, partners, service providers, and folks whose lives have been impacted by the criminal justice system (CJS). Together, using strengths-based, participatory approaches, the Cluster aims to foster equity-oriented, decolonizing, culturally safe, and transformative research to reframe the CJS as an opportunity to improve health and social outcomes for (and with!) people impacted by incarceration (including their families and communities).